Collaboration with EGARA

Accession to the European association EGARA in 1999 was an important event in the history of FORS. This resulted in a direct exchange of views and experiences between the Polish side and representatives of similar associations of the European Union. In 2001 we had the pleasure and honor to host in Poland representatives of all countries that are members of the EGARA organization.

EGARA – European Group of Automotive Recycling Associations (EGARA) was established in 1991 as an independent organization to ensure the proper operation and development of dismantling facilities of the national SWE recycling associations in Europe. EGARA actively cooperated in the creation of the EU Directive on the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. It also has close contacts with the EU Commission (EC) and participates in its meetings as necessary.

The main purposes of EGARA are: Facilitate and develop the economic efficiency of businesses in the field of dismantling and recycling of end-of life vehicles including in particular the following:

– end-of life vehicles collection

– end-of life vehicles dismantling

– the sale of materials and components from end-of life vehicles

– the management of waste from end-of life vehicles.

Boost the development and establish the rules of work for collection and treatment facilities in accordance with the laws and regulations of environmental protection. Counter the „grey market” with regard to end-of-life vehicle recycling. Promote and encourage the re-use of parts and materials recovered from end-of-life vehicles. Harmonize the law on recycling in Europe and bring about effective international cooperation between collection and treatment facilities for recovered materials. Provide each other with mutual help and know-how. To fight for the protection of the environment and natural resources of the Earth.

Currently, EGARA joins recycling associations from 15 European countries.

They are:

England – MVDA,

Austria – VöAv,

Belgium – FEVAR,

Denmark – DAG,

Finland – S.A.L.ry,

France – CNPA,

Spain – AEDRA,

The Netherlands – STIBA,

Ireland – IMURA,

Germany – IGA,

Norway – NBF,

Poland – FORS,

Switzerland – VASSO,

Sweden – SBR,

Italy ADA.

EGARA’s existence is based on the objectives set at the time of its establishment in 1991: To facilitate and develop economic activities To stimulate the development of environmentally friendly working methods for companies To stimulate the reuse (recovery) of products and materials EGARA’s mission is to be the European recycling association of end-of-life vehicles in Europe. EGARA therefore represents the professional, environmentally conscious activities of people involved in the end-of-life vehicle recycling in Europe.

The main principle of the philosophy of the people who make up EGARA is: My plant exists to sell second-hand, good-quality automotive parts. To achieve this, I have to dismantle end-of-life vehicles (including those from accidents) into parts. During disassembly, I will ensure the protection of the environment from dangerous materials in the end-of-life vehicle, and for this purpose I will comply with the rules and requirements necessary to protect the environment.

In the dialog with the European authorities and associations of collection and treatment facilities, EGARA aims to: develop and protect the interests of European collection and treatment facilities to support their efforts to facilitate the second-hand trade in spare parts.

By doing so, EGARA is simultaneously enforcing the principles of environmental protection and the search for optimal solutions aimed at:

– maximum recovery,

– maximum recycling,

– minimum waste (landfills) resulting from the end-of-life vehicles utilization.

To achieve all this, EGARA cooperates closely with similar organizations worldwide, e.g. in USA, Canada, Australia. EGARA’s main vocation is to guarantee the existence of appropriate and targeted legislation creating clear and equal working conditions for recyclers in all Member States, without unnecessarily circumventing obstacles. This ensures, among other things, that the following issues in our business are taken care of:

– end-of-life vehicles acquisition, including cars after accidents,

– end-of-life vehicles transport at home and abroad,

– ecological principles concerning the operation of equipment,

– trade in recycled car parts (second-hand),

– qualification and training requirements for company personnel.

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Członkiem Stowarzyszenia Forum Recyklingu Samochodów można zostać w każdej chwili. Zasady są proste: należy wypełnić jedną z trzech deklaracji członkowskich. Po podjęciu stosownej uchwały przez Zarząd, kandydat staje się członkiem Stowarzyszenia. Sekretariat przypomina o zapłaceniu składki przez wysłanie noty statutowej pod koniec każdego kwartału.

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