about FORS

Automotive Recyclers Forum is a nationwide association having the status of a legal entity acting for the development of automotive recycling industry in Poland.

Association promotes actions to reduce adverse impact on the environment of parts and materials contained in vehicles during their entire life cycle (from design stage to decommissioning and neutralization) and at the same time to make the best use of such materials.

In order to achieve these goals, the association:

initiates and gives opinions on legislation in this field,

promotes modern technical, organizational and economic solutions for automotive recycling,

conducts domestic and foreign cooperation with organizations with a similar scope of activities,

organizes national and international training courses on car recycling,

organizes educational activities such as seminars, conferences and exhibitions devoted to automotive recycling,

conducts various counseling and intervention activities for the members of the association.


Natural persons may join the Association as members. Institutions and enterprises have the status of Supporting Members of the Association.

The following entities are represented in the Association:

companies involved in the collection and dismantling of end-of life vehicles,

companies recycling materials and components from cars,

manufacturers and importers of cars,

public and local government administration,

research institutes and universities,

mass media.


The Association carries out its activities in the following domains:

legal and organizational,

information and training,

technical consultancy and expertise,

International cooperation.


The Association carries out economic its activities in accordance with the charter. The income from this activity is used for the pursuit of the Association’s objectives. All information about the activities of the Association and the rules of accepting new members of the Association is provided by the Board of the Association and the Secretary.

Dołącz do nas

Członkiem Stowarzyszenia Forum Recyklingu Samochodów można zostać w każdej chwili. Zasady są proste: należy wypełnić jedną z trzech deklaracji członkowskich. Po podjęciu stosownej uchwały przez Zarząd, kandydat staje się członkiem Stowarzyszenia. Sekretariat przypomina o zapłaceniu składki przez wysłanie noty statutowej pod koniec każdego kwartału.

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